When you think virtual summits, you probably don't immediately think of Thrivecart. But if I'm being honest, Thrivecart is a great option for hosting Virtual Summits in any...
Running a successful business means email communication runs rampant. From answering simple questions to sending reminders, the flow of lead and client emails can leave you...
Let me guess, you've been in business for a while now and you're struggling to see the numbers you've written down as your goals... the numbers you visualize and see as the...
Let's talk about how to create an irresistible free product bundle, that you can use to keep your audience engaged in between your summits, as well as help you to grow your...
As with most things in business, constantly finding ways to stand out from the crowd, and exceed your customer expectations is crucial. Offering free product bundles...
In today's highly competitive business world, it's crucial for entrepreneurs (like you and me) to find creative ways to stand out from the crowd and reach new...
Have you noticed a lot of online business owners are promoting tiny offers of like $7 ebooks and $9 memberships? These are called low ticket offers and let's be honest,...
Hey! I'm Sharee
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web, where summits are the golden ticket to business growth, launching new products and services and building engaged audiences.
I hosted my first virtual summit in 2018 and welcomed 5K attendees and over $10K on the first day.
I knew immediately by the end results, that these virtual events, were the key to scaling a business and growing an engaged audience.
After planning and hosting about a dozen virtual summits in the past few years, I detailed and developed my own system for planning and hosting virtual summits, which is something I'd love to teach you how to do!
Learn More About Virtual Summits
💬 Are You Ready to BUILD Your Audience, GROW Your Authority & LAUNCH Your New Offers?
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